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How to be A Genius in Everything

Posted on 1 min

Writing Blogging

A wise word once said, “Many things can be acquired with money, many by deceit, and many by falsehood. But, there is one thing that can be obtained only by honest labor, for which a king must work as hard as a coalman…, and that is knowledge.”.

A lot of people judging other as a genius or a stupid one. They did that kind of judging usually when they were arguing each other about something (politics is one of them). But, when it comes to definition, I am a hundred percent sure that they can’t define what genius is with a single perfect statement. So, before we go deeper into the subject, which is “How to be A Genius in Everything”, let’s talk a bit about what genius is first.

But, for you guys that might be wondering, does it urge to talk about genius-ness like this? I promise, I’ll tell you the urgency later in the end of the article.

Oke, I would like to start the discussion with making some assumptions about what genius is.

First, I’ll assume that genius is a person that have an intelligent capability to literally reign almost everything fast and easy.

  1. deceit:
  2. falsehood: