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Managing Firewall in Linux with UFW (+GUFW)
·8 mins
Ufw Ufw Gufw Linux Firewall Iptables Network Security
A simple and user-friendly CLI firewall manager: UFW. It handles incoming to and outgoing traffic from our host machine.
Mugshot to Change Your User Photo Profile
·1 min
Mugshot Mugshot Linux Xfce
Mugshot, a simple program to change personal user details such as photo profile.
Tableau Public Basics: Creating A Simple Dashboard
·6 mins
Tableau Tableau Data Analytics Data Visualization Kaggle Dashboard
Creating a dashboard is no longer that difficult. You are always able to create dashboard using Tableau Public. Here is the step by step of it.
Exa-Eza as a Modern Replacement for ls
·3 mins
Exa Exa Linux Ls
Want to improve and modernize your ls appearance and functionality? This is the neo-ls..
Increasing Virtual Machine Disk Size in Virtualbox
·8 mins
Virtualbox Virtual Machine Linux Virtualbox
An easy tutorial on increasing Virtualbox VM disk size…
DVWA - Command Injection
·4 mins
Command Injection DVWA Web Hacking Command Injection Reverse Shell
Command injection is a simple yet still pretty common and relevant vulnerability in the real world even nowadays…
Step by Step DVWA Installation for Web App Hacking
·4 mins
Docker Docker DVWA Web
DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Webb Apps) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable~
SSH without Password?
·3 mins
Ssh Ssh Password
Too lazy to input your SSH password while doing routine task? Here is the solution…
FFmpeg - Convert Any Video Format to MP4
·1 min
Ffmpeg Ffmpeg Tutorial Video Format
If you have ffmpeg installed on your Linux machine, then it actually could help you to convert any video format to MP4!
rsync: A Powerful Tool for Backing Up Data
·4 mins
Rsync Rsync Backup
The simplest and easiest way to backup your data…
netcat: The Simplest Way to Transfer File
·2 mins
Netcat File Transfer Netcat
Learn the best way to transfer file(s) through a network.
Building VPN Server using OpenVPN
·3 mins
Openvpn Vpn Server Openvpn
A step by step vpn server installation using openvpn~
Create Your Own IRC Server!
·5 mins
Irc Irc Server
Do you want to chat via terminal like a hackerman? If so, it’s time to read this because we will create an IRC Server with inspircd & ircd-hybrid.
Configuring Kitty & Bash
·5 mins
Kitty Linux Kitty Bash
How to configure kitty & its shell (I use bash, btw) so it’ll look charming…
Chafa: Character Art Facsimile Generator
·1 min
Chafa Chafa Linux
Chafa is a command-line utility that converts image data, including animated GIFs, into graphics formats or ANSI/Unicode character art suitable for display in a terminal.
Lazyvim: A neovim setup for the lazy-er(s)
·3 mins
Lazyvim Linux Vim Lazyvim
This is just my personal documentation of installing and using lazyvim as a blogger.
SQL Basics - Installation to Basic Commands
·13 mins
Sql Sql Database Linux Data
Let’s learn about SQL basic commands for databases.
Trying Out A Flavor of New Hugo Theme: Kayal
·12 mins
Hugo Hugo Kayal Theme
Kayal Hugo’s theme for me looks modern yet calm for a blog site. I got curious somehow and trying it out. Fortunately, I really like that theme. So, here is my thoughts about it…
Enhancing Your Linux Desktop with Conky
·8 mins
Conky Conky Linux
Tentang # Conky, meskipun terdengar seperti singkatan “Pocong Pinky”, sebetulnya adalah program monitor sistem untuk linux desktop1.
Log in to Your System with (Stunning) TTY
·4 mins
Tty Tty Linux Login Display Manager
About Login Interface & TTY # Ketika kita akan login ke sebuah sistem, kita biasanya disuguhkan interface untuk memasukkan kredensial login kita (username & password), kan?
A Feature Rich Command Line Audio/Video Downloader: YT-DLP
·3 mins
Yt-Dlp Yt-Dlp Video Linux
What Is It?
RStudio Basic: From Installation to Data Visualization
·12 mins
Rstudio Rstudio Programming R Data Data Visualization
Cool Terminal Tools You Should Know
·2 mins
Linux Cool Terminal Linux
Yoo, jumpa lagi!
A Classic yet Nostalgic Music Player: NCMPCPP
·5 mins
Ncmpcpp Music Player Mpd Ncmpcpp
Intro # NCurses Music Player Client Plus Plus adalah nama panjang dari NCMPCPP.
My Remote Desktop Client(s)
·5 mins
Remote Desktop Remote Desktop Windows Linux
Gorgeous Status Bar with Polybar
·6 mins
Polybar Polybar Status Bar Linux
Polybar adalah tool yang cepat mudah digunakan untuk membuat status bar1, seperti: Secara umum, artikel ini akan membahas 3 proses: Memasang Polybar, Menjalankan Polybar, dan Mengkustom Polybar.
Openbox - Simple and Easy Window Manager for Beginners
·7 mins
Openbox Window Manager Openbox Linux
Dari 1-10 (dengan skala 1: paling tidak cantik dan 10: paling cantik), seberapa cantik tampilan tangkapan layar pada cover artikel ini?
Bypassing Article Journal Paywall using Scihub
·3 mins
Scihub Journal Scihub
Kalian adalah seorang peneliti yang membutuhkan jurnal yang berstandar internasional tapi terkendala karena tidak bisa mengaksesnya?
Steganography - Hiding secret(s) Inside A File
·8 mins
Steganography Steganography Hacking Cyber Security
Steganography is the practice of representing information within another message or physical object.
Rofi - Beautiful & Modern App Launcher
·8 mins
Rofi Rofi Linux
What is Rofi?
Archlinux KDE Installation via archinstall
·5 mins
Archlinux Arch Linux Install
Siapa yang tidak pernah dengar Archlinux?
Linux Ricing?
·8 mins
Ricing Ricing Linux Debian
Debian Linux Installation in Virtualbox
·3 mins
Debian Debian Linux Instal
Pra Instalasi # Hola!
Ngrok - Make Your localhost Accessible Publicly
·6 mins
Ngrok Cyber Security Ngrok Tutorial
Mystiq - FFmpeg's GUI
·3 mins
Mystiq Mystiq Ffmpeg Tutorial
Eternalblue (MS17-010) - SMBv1's Exploit
·4 mins
Hacking Metasploit Tutorial Cyber Security
Sejarah (Singkat) # Apa itu Eternalblue?
Virustotal - Platform untuk Scanning Virus
·5 mins
Virustotal Forensic Tutorial Cyber Security
Overview # Virustotal adalah salah satu website terbaik untuk melakukan identifikasi terhadap suatu file/software/aplikasi dan url, apakah mengandung virus atau malware (malicious software) atau tidak.
Recordmydesktop - Screen Recorder based on CLI
·3 mins
Recordmydesktop Screen Recorder Tutorial Recordmydesktop
Tepat pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2023 lalu, saya membuat tutorial merekam layar (screen recorder) desktop menggunakan program ffmpeg.
Gephi - Actor(s) Centrality
·7 mins
Gephi Gephi Data Analytics Data Visualization
Halo! Kali ini kita akan belajar tentang penggunaan salah satu software yang biasa digunakan untuk melakukan analisis data pada ilmu-ilmu sosial, khususnya pada diskusi atau kajian mengenai Social Network Analysis (SNA).
Private File Sharing with Onionshare
·4 mins
Onionshare Tor Anonymous TOR Tutorial
Halo! Beberapa pekan lalu, saya sempat memberikan tutorial untuk mendapatkan e-book gratis dengan bot Telegram yang berasal dari situs z-library.
Getting (free) e-books via Bot Telegram
·3 mins
Telegram Telegram Tutorial Z-Library E-Book
Keberadaan buku digital / buku elektronik (e-book) saat ini sudah menjadi keniscayaan di era yang juga sudah digital.
FFmpeg - Convert MP4 to GIF
·1 min
Ffmpeg MP4 to GIF Tutorial Ffmpeg Video Converter
Terkadang, GIF punya kelebihan dibandingkan dengan file video, terutama dalam hal ukuran file.
Screen Recorder with FFmpeg
·2 mins
Ffmpeg Screen Recorder Tutorial Ffmpeg
Kali ini, saya akan memberi tahu cara merekam layar desktop laptop atau komputer kita dengan FFmpeg.
Hugo (Papermod) Advanced
·9 mins
Hugo Hugo Website Static-Site
Mengkonfigurasi Hugo (Advanced) # Setelah berhasil membuat website Hugo dan men-deploy-nya ke Github, kali ini saya akan memberi beberapa tips yang sedikit banyak dapat memberi kemudahan dan nilai estetika pada website Hugo tersebut.
Hugo To Github
·3 mins
Hugo Static-Site
Meng-Hosting di Github # Di tulisan ini, saya akan menunjukkan cara hosting static-site Hugo yang sudah dibuat sebelumnya ke Github.
Hugo-ing (from Zero to Hero)
·4 mins
Hugo Hugo
Membuat Website via Hugo # Pengenalan singkat tentang Hugo # Hugo adalah framework yang memungkinkan setiap orang untuk membuat dan mengelola website mereka.